On Monday 01 May 2006 10:57 pm, Alexander Skwar wrote:
> On Sunday 30 April 2006 05:59 am, Alexander Skwar wrote:
>> wu chuanwen wrote:

>> Try a blank Firefox profile. To create one, run "firefox
>> -ProfileManager".
> This is something like the third time you've suggested this.

You counted? :)

Not really.

Aha. Why are you then giving an exact number?

>  Please explain
> how this will help.  I'm serious: I don't see how this could help.

My assumption: Problem is caused by bad settings, which includes
extensions or themes. If problem goes away with a new/blank profile,
we know where the problem is.

Yes, I'm just saying that it's highly unlikely that the profile is the problem.

Okay. What's the ground for your reasoning? As I wrote a few
moments ago, my basis is, that I'm quite active in the German
Mozilla newsgroups and thus see how often a blank profile solves

What about you?

I've never heard of a profile causing a problem in my life.

Well, that's obviously because you don't read much.

I could be wrong,

I wouldn't wonder.

but I'm still skeptical nonetheless.


You're a very strange person. But that's to be expected by
people with such a "cool" nickname.

Alexander Skwar
If rabbits' feet are so lucky, what happened to the rabbit?
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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