> Does composing the Polish characters work for you
> under applications
> such as Mozilla Thunderbird?
> What specific Polish characters are you missing, and
> how do normally
> compose them?  If you tell me how you expect to
> compose them, I'll test
> to see if it works here.

Unfortunately I can't type Polish charecters under
mozilla as well (tried both pl_PL and pl_PL.utf8). I
expect to use right ALT + <character> e.g. right ALT +
o should result with "รณ" and now it results with just
"o" both in Mozilla and OpenOffice. Left ALT + o opens
F'o'rmat menu under OpenOffice.

While configuring xorg with xorgconfig I've chosen the
following options:

Please answer the following question with either 'y'
or 'n'. Do you want to select additional XKB options
(group switcher, group indicator, etc.)? y

Group Shift/Lock behavior:
1  Right Alt key switches group while pressed        

The remaining XKB options I've left not assigned.

thanx You for help

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