Agreed, proposal is a tool for discussion and resolution.

Java7FileWatcher - yeah we upgraded to Java 7 right as the ResourceStore
API was being written so I made the internal FileWatcher class compatible -
so if it listens to things a directory at a time that is probably what I
did as well:

Resource.addListener( listener )

     Listeners can be configured to check for changes to individual files
> or directory contents.

     * styles: listener receives events for any change to the contents of
> the styles directory
>      * user_projections/ listener notified for any change
> to the resource

     Notification is course grained, often just based on change of last
> modified time stamp, as such they are issued after the change has
> been performed.

I also like your suggestion for a get/set ResourceNotificationDispatcher
which better communicates intent.

Jody Garnett

On 17 January 2016 at 13:54, Andrea Aime <>

> Hi Jody,
> I've just had a quick conversation with you about the proposal and we
> discussed it,
> now I'm sharing my feedback with the rest of the community.
> Personally, I find it redundant that there is and add/remove listener
> method in both
> the resource and the store, given that the Resource can be created out of
> a non
> yet existing file/directory, I would be happy about just having the
> methods in the resource
> itself, maybe with some javadoc explaining that it's ok to to listen to a
> non yet existing
> resource yet (one will get events if the resource pop up in existence).
> I'm also looking at the API and wondering where's the recursive behavior.
> You told
> me it's part of the pre-existing behavior, and I've checked
>  ResourceListener/ResourceNotification,
> but the best I could find is in ResourceNotification stating:
> "Listeners on a directory will be notified on any resource change in the
> directory. The delta will include any modified directories"
> Still does not tell me if the notification is about directly children of
> the directory, or if includes
> also all sub-directories at all levels. I was looking at Java 7 file
> watching API and the tutorial states that
> if you want to watch and entire file tree, you have to register a watcher
> for each and every directory in
> it.
> I was actually looking at how FileSystemWatcher is implemented, I'm not
> seeing any recursive
> behavior (and it's not using java 7 file watching api either, it's
> polling), so I mean, not sure
> this is actually going to work correctly in recursive mode... if anything,
> it seems to be working
> at single level... which would mean there is no way to "watch everything".
> Fair enough,
> but then the API should be clear and the proposal too about it :-)
> Final feedback, if you want to be up front that there is a central
> notification hub,
> imho, better to remove the add/remove listener methods from the store, and
> add a getResourceNotificationDispatcher/setResourceNotificationDispatcher
> at the ResourceStore level instead: this would make it evident that there
> is a centralized
> one, and offer an opportunity to programmatically plug in a custom one
> (for clusters).
> Though... hum... thinking out loud, for standard vs non standard
> implementations
> of a interface, we normally go for a "lookup in spring, if none is found,
> instantiate a
> default one programmatically approach". Which would be fine for this case
> too, just
> document it (and describe it in the proposal)
> Sorry it's not a +1 yet, at the moment the proposal is leaving me with
> questions :-)
> Cheers
> Andrea
> On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 6:46 PM, Jody Garnett <>
> wrote:
>> This is a follow up to pull request #1361
>> <> introducing some new
>> public API:
>> Niels I have changed your proposed interface a bit, to use paths rather
>> than a resource when adding/removing listeners.
>> --
>> Jody Garnett
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