So, if that has been fixed does that mean we can get an additional +1?


On 31-01-16 19:18, Jody Garnett wrote:
Right, I can delete the "listen to root" idea. I had the idea that we could listen to the root folder (as an alternative to this proposal) and be advised of all resource changes.

Turns out listening to a directory - only gives you updates to the files listed in the directory - but does not do recursion.

So listening to ROOT would tell you about changes to resources in the GEOSERVER_DATA_DIRECTORY .. but not tell you about a change to GEOSERVER_DATA_DIRECTORY/styles.

I will make a note of this in the "feedback" and remove the alternative from the proposal.

Jody Garnett

On 30 January 2016 at 11:49, Andrea Aime < <>> wrote:

    On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 2:05 AM, Jody Garnett
    < <>> wrote:

        Catching email list up on sprint discussion :) This
        conversation has settled down and I will update the proposal
        and ask for a second review.

        The take home message is:

        - Watching resources change (on the file system or in jdbc
        resource store) is different from broadcasting the change to
        - Our FileSystemWatcher should be updated/replaced with the
        Java 7 FileSystemWatcher

    Hi Jody,
    the proposal looks much better, but I'm still confused by the ROOT
    notification part. If it cannot work,
    why is it part of the document? The text seems to imply there is a
    better way, but I don't see it?

    "Update: Inspecting the code shows that listening to a directory
    is not recursive - so the proposed alternative above (listening to
    the ROOT directory would not work)."

    Also, during our discussion in Victoria I believe you said that
    listening to the ROOT was required for clustering
    to work.
    Have I misunderstood, is that no more the case, or should we just
    ignore clustering needs for the moment?


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