On 17/02/16 22:39, Niels Charlier wrote:
> On 16-02-16 21:14, Ben Caradoc-Davies wrote:
>> The encoding of the child href is very thin (only ampersand is
>> replaced). Encoding " to " might give a better error message. And
>> what about percent-encoding? What happens to spaces or # or other
>> characters in resource names?
> You have a point. What I am doing here is escaping the GET argument
> ampersands for HTML. But we should really convert the resource name (for
> all three formats) to use % for special characters (including
> ampersand), shouldn't we?


- "&" should not be percent-encoded in the href or it will lose its 
special meaning and not be recognised as a separator of query 
parameters; your encoding of this as "&" is exactly the right thing 
to do.

- All other special characters ("?" and "=") and your keys and values 
are fine in the href because only "&" and '"' require special treatment 
in an html attribute and '"' will require percent-encoding.

- Your operation keys and values are all unreserved characters and 
require no encoding.

- You are right that all path elements must be percent-encoded. The 
slashes between them must not be encoded as they are used for there 
special meaning in the URL scheme. '"' is not in the unreserved set so 
must be percent-encoded, which will also stop it from breaking your href 
so no need to consider HTML entities here.

For example, instead of:

URLEncoder.encode("poëzie", "UTF-8") -> "po%C3%ABzie"
URLEncoder.encode("café", "UTF-8") -> "caf%C3%A9"

(but you cannot use URLEncoder.encode on the whole URL or path otherwise 
it will encode *everything*)

The href should then contain:


Paste the original URL into the Firefox location bar and press enter (it 
should be not found!), then Ctrl-C copy it from the location bar and 
Firefox will percent-encode it for you as above.  :-)

Two more questions:

- Should HTTP headers such as Resource-Parent be percent encoded? I 
think so. HTTP forbids all characters outside ISO-8859-1 from headers. 
How are other path fields like Location or Content-Location handled? 
Percent-encoding I think.

- Should Resource-Parent be relative to the "data directory", or 
relative to the server root, or an absolute URL? The next thing a 
RESTful client will do is use the Resource-Parent to access the parent. 
The full path relative to the server root or even the full absolute URL 
would be the most useful thing to give a client in Resource-Parent. You 
have the full absolute URL in the content!

At the moment this HEAD request:

curl --head 

is expected to contain:

Resource-Parent: /poëzie

But with percent encoding this could be either:

Resource-Parent: /po%C3%ABzie

or even better:

Resource-Parent: /geoserver/rest/resources/po%C3%ABzie

or even more betterer:

Resource-Parent: http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/resources/po%C3%ABzie

What do you think?

- Should Resource-Parent have the query (i.e. "?format=xml") of the 
original request?

Kind regards,

Ben Caradoc-Davies <b...@transient.nz>
Transient Software Limited <http://transient.nz/>
New Zealand

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