Hi Ben,

On 18 February 2016 at 05:38, Ben Caradoc-Davies <b...@transient.nz> wrote:

> - Should HTTP headers such as Resource-Parent be percent encoded? I
> think so. HTTP forbids all characters outside ISO-8859-1 from headers.
> How are other path fields like Location or Content-Location handled?
> Percent-encoding I think.

I agree. As far as I can tell, RFC 2616 says that the Location header
should be a URI as defined by RFC 1630, which requires 7-bit ASCII with
special characters %-encoded.

> - Should Resource-Parent be relative to the "data directory", or
> relative to the server root, or an absolute URL? The next thing a
> RESTful client will do is use the Resource-Parent to access the parent.
> The full path relative to the server root or even the full absolute URL
> would be the most useful thing to give a client in Resource-Parent. You
> have the full absolute URL in the content!

+1 for absolute URL. I think it'll need to pass through the URLMangler
process too so that it can get rewritten if necessary for the environment.

> Resource-Parent: /po%C3%ABzie

I think this is asking for trouble - the client needs to then recalculate
the path based on a root of /geoserver/rest/resources (and most
relative-URL-resolvers will treat the leading / as root, so it'll require
even *more* custom client code)

ie. url/geoserver/rest/resource

> or even more betterer:
> Resource-Parent:
> http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/resources/po%C3%ABzie

Most-betterest! :)

> What do you think?
> - Should Resource-Parent have the query (i.e. "?format=xml") of the
> original request?

Personally I'd say "no", because it's pointing to the parent *resource *rather
than it's representation. *?format=* is a bit of a hack, *Accept:* headers
are how it's *supposed* to work in the ideal world ;)

Rob :)
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