On 18 Apr 2022, MacFH wrote:

> On 18/04/2022 13:53, Mark Carroll wrote:
>> https://github.com/get-iplayer/get_iplayer says, "podcasts directly via
>> PID or URL". Indeed, for the latest, if I try,
>>      get_iplayer --pid=p0c1g25k
>> then it downloads just fine. Hope that helps.
> Oh yes, I can download them via the PID, indeed have already done so,

Ah, sorry, I was confused by the "has not been downloaded" but you
meant by exactly the search you quoted.

> What I was asking is how to make GiP *find* them for itself?

That same page also says "BBC podcasts are not searchable" so I doubt
it's going to.

-- Mark

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