On Mon, Dec 27, 1999 at 08:14:40PM +0000, W.H.Scholten wrote:
> Joseph Carter wrote:
> > 
> > *WHACK*  21st century starts in 2001.
> > 
> No it doesn't and here's why:
> Whether or not the start of our era was put at the year 1 or 0 doesn't
> matter as this date (ref. Christ) is off by about 4 years anyway, so we
> can just put the start of the AD era at 0 (which will not change
> anything )

So what you're saying is that the start of *your* new millenium is on
January 1st.

Personally, my new millenium starts on March 12th, 2007.

> Note also that the AD timekeeping was installed after the fact  so noone
> 'experienced' the years upto the new date system as 'AD' years. This
> makes it especially irrelevant to insist that 1 was the first year and
> that a century ends at the end of year x00 (as 'counting from 1' for
> time is bad, as I said above, bad, but worse, nobody actually did
> that!).

It most certainly does not.  If the AD years had started at zero, this
would be the year 1998, and it would still be another year until the
year 2000.  

Anyhow, this is a silly discussion.


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