> > PS: I realize I owe many beers to many people on this
> >    list. A KGI/GGI workshop is starting to be really
> >    necessary...

> I propose Eindhoven, the Netherlands, long Easter-weekend (around April
> 23th, 1900). (Why Eindhoven ? for I live there, and it is close for the Germans,
> French and English (sorry for the American) :) 

Yep. Sounds pretty cool. Why not ...
Can't say much about the other proposed date as I haven't planned my summer
holidays yet ...

> (If anyone knows a better location...) I can arrange computer facilities, 
> beer and very likely some places to sleep.

That's pretty much all we need - except for the sleep :-).

CU, ANdy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> =

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