In reply to Andreas Beck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>If not, someone should finally attack a generic stretching/rotating
>target ...

or a target that just fills the rest of the visual with a black
border, with the `actual' visual at the center. such a target is
actually essential for lcd screens, and it should be extremely easy to
implement. what is hard to digest is the impossibility (or tricky
possibility) of running some program because it wants *less* than what
your system can offer...

Cesar Augusto Rorato Crusius    __o      __o      __o      __o      __o    
Stanford University           _`\<,    _`\<,    _`\<,    _`\<,    _`\<,    
e-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    (_)/(_)  (_)/(_)  (_)/(_)  (_)/(_)  (_)/(_)
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   __o      __o      __o      __o     /\_   _ \\o  (_)\__/o  (_)
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(_)/(_)  (_)/(_)  (_)/(_)  (_)/(_)  (_)        (_)   (_)    (_)'  _\o_

He who sacrifices functionality for ease of use
Loses both and deserves neither

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