Simon Budig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> David A. Bartold ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > I dug into the paint core to see what needs to be changed to support
> > drawing on textured media.  Here's the basic modifications necessary:
> > 
> >   * enum BrushApplicationHardness:
> >     Add a new value "TEXTURE" which applies both pressure and
> >     texture to a brush mask.  It doesn't make sense to apply
> >     only texture.  Rationale: much of the realism afforded by
> >     textures is due to the interaction between them and the
> >     pressure an artist exerts on the medium.
> Have you considered making the texture dependant of the direction
> in which the user strokes the tool? This would be awfully cool.

one could use texture pipes much the same way as brush pipes. All of
the selection code could be shared.


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