I think the real intention was to prevent the user from accidentally
writing to a file format that throws away any layers which have been
created and other useful image information. It was a little strange at
first for me, but I've gotten quite used to the hotkeys for exporting. It's
a shame to revert to 2.6 just for this reason. You miss out on a LOT of new
functionality, and all you've really done is save yourself the minor
trouble of learning a different save hotkey combo. Ctrl-E = Export or Alt +
F + W = overwrite. I use it as a celebration of each successful image edit
(Alt [F]or the [W]in!) ;)

There, now you may remember it. :)
Hope you reconsider!

My 2p.


On Sun, Feb 28, 2016 at 9:38 PM, A. da Mek <a.da_m...@ufoni.cz> wrote:

> > Therefore, I will
> > probably still to work with the 2.6.11 version on.
> > For this reason I will Gimp 2.8.16 uninstalled.
> I suppose that many users returned back to 2.6 for this reason.
> There should be a clear warning that saving is still possible, only it was
> renamed to "overwrite".
> IMO, the intention of the authors was to educate the users and remind them
> that at the opening of a file, the data are internally converted to the
> working format, and at the saving they are converted back to original
> format. But this intention missed its goal, because the user is not
> informed what and why was changed, and when he sees that the application
> behaves in a weird and user-unfriendly way, then the simplest solution is
> to downgrade back to the last sane version.
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