On 2002-02-18 at 1742.06 +0100, Raphael Quinet typed this mail:
> Well, although I still cannot use CVS and therefore cannot edit the
> TODO file, I can at least help converting its contents to a bunch of
> bug reports.  I know bugzilla quite well and I know what has already
> been reported (to avoid duplicates and insert appropriate
> cross-references) so I can probably contribute a bit...
i have no problem filing the bug reports.  i think i am capable of this.
i am not able to edit the list.

my first report was a failure not for the way it was filed, but for what
was filed, i think.

btw, the suggestion to edit the TODO list was made away from the list,
as well as the suggestion to become more famliar with HEAD before

i can file bug reports. i cannot edit.

prolly it would serve you all justice if i passed the TODO list through
this list for the community to edit !!!



ps. all of the crusty unixy types i know use mutt (and some of the
wannabes too ...)

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