Sven Neumann wrote:
> Hi,
> On Wed, 2008-08-06 at 11:31 -0700, vabijou2 wrote:
::snip? SNIP!::
>>   As far as real estate on
>> the bottom of the layers dialog goes, I would eliminate the raise/lower
>> layer buttons .... I don't ever use them since it is easier to drag the
>> layer itself to the new location than to select the layer with one mouse
>> click and then find and click on the raise/lower button.
> I often use the up/down buttons. Clicking a button is much easier than
> doing drag and drop. We would need to do some user observations to
> decide this. Without such data I'd vote for keeping the buttons.
To add a single data point, I always use the buttons and never use DND for 

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