Sven wrote:

> On Sun, 2009-03-08 at 14:38 +0100, peter sikking wrote:
>> this may look to you like we are only shuffling the furniture,
>> but I cannot overstate how much this change is needed in the interest
>> of usability:
>> really. I am not exaggerating.
>> a significant portion of our core user group will perceive this as
>> we added selection management for the first time. the mind-boggling
>> way it works now simply makes it a non-starter for them.
>> non-starter = does not exist.
>> for the significant portion of our core user group who have come
>> to terms with the current way of working this change will be a
>> welcome speed-up of their workflow, because GIMP does not make
>> them think anymore in this regard.
> I think you are missing the bigger picture here. Channels are not only
> about saved selections. If they were, we should indeed declare then as
> such. But channels are also used for simulating spot colors and as  
> such
> they are much more closely related to the color components that are
> shown at the top of the dialog. There are more interesting things that
> can be done with channels. Unfortunately this is not very well covered
> in the GIMP documentation (the old manual by the Kylanders was  
> better in
> this regard). That's why it is even more important that we keep this
> close to the Photoshop channels dialog. Then users can at least  
> benefit
> from the documentation that exists for PS.

hmmm, there must be a misunderstanding here.

if you read carefully what I am proposing then you'll see that
the only thing that is going to change about the channels
dialog itself is that the stored selections will be outa' there.
I cannot see how that will upset true channels workflows, nor
their documentation.

I think the only thing that is left to argue about is whether
the channels dialog should still be in the right dock by default
or not. I can live with it when it stays there after the
introduction of a selections dock-able dialog.


         founder + principal interaction architect
             man + machine interface works
 : on interaction architecture

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