On Thursday 14 May 2009 18:43:01 Martin Nordholts wrote:

> Maciej Pilichowski wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > But if there is no reference (no previously selected region for
> > example) it would be useful to paste the block initially at mouse
> > cursor position 
> I don't think it is a good idea to use the cursor as the insertion
> point since this is both very uncommon and not very practical, the
> mouse cursor is too volatile for this. More reasonable is to use
> the selection as the insertion point, and this is currently how it
> works. Using this as a base for an improved workflow seems like a
> better idea to me.

I quoted entire mail to repeat -- if there is __no__ reference. If 
there is some reference, sure, I agree with you. On the first paste 
there is one, and gimp uses it. On the second (sequence) paste there 
is no reference and gimp shows the pasted block randomly.

So, I opt for some kind of predictability vs. randomness. And in such 
case, mouse cursor position is a good reference. In other words, 
please make the mouse cursor position as last resort (when everything 
else fails).

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