On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 3:40 PM, Jeremy Morton <ad...@game-point.net> wrote:
> Also I would imagine any sensible user would always save a lossless version
> of a lossy-format image before editing it and saving.
Why would I save it lossless somewhere BEFORE editing a file Ive
imported from a JPG? The loss has already happened, I can always get
the exactly same quality for this particular file from the JPG. After
editing the only sane format to SAVE to is xcf. Not only is it
lossless, you wont lose any of the layers/objects you have made in the

> If you're directly
> opening a JPEG for editing and then lossy-saving it somewhere else, what are
> you thinking?!  You're going to keep losing quality.
You dont SAVE to lossy format. You export. Save is to xcf - the only
sane starting point for future editing.

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