On Tue, 16 May 2000, David Necas wrote:

> > Making the background layer "special" is not very intuitive.
> >
> > ...
> >
> > What do you think?
> NO, please.

> The only good solution is probably to make `Add Alpha Channel' more
> intuitive. The user should _see_ the background layer is special---lacks
> something---and there must be some obvious way how to add it. (But is
> there an obvious way how to manage this?)

How about changing the layers dialog box so the background layer appears
solid and the layers with alpha have a gradient-to-checker background.
This way one can tell at a glance if a layer has alpha or not.

This is hard to describe.  If anyone is interested I'll mark up a
screengrab of how this might look.

Jon Winters http://www.obscurasite.com/

   "Everybody loves the GIMP!" 

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