On 2 January 2016 at 14:48, staedtler-przyborski
<staedtler-przybor...@web.de> wrote:
> Am 02.01.2016 um 14:56 schrieb staedtler-przyborski:
>> I've seen on one of your screen-shots, that the n-point deformation tool
>> icon looks slightly different (handles are not so clearly visible) in
>> inversed-symbolic compared to symbolic. Is this true ? If yes, I can provide
>> a corrected one. Thanks
> Handle-transform (mixed that up n-point deformation) didn't work correctly
> on dark-themes
> corrected one is uploaded, only symbolic (no-inverted), see
> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=759673
> luckily latest build with dark-theme was published some minutes ago in in
> gimp-edge ppa, so I could test and verify corrected one by myself.
> Klaus Staedtler
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> gimp-gui-list@gnome.org
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I just compiled using vagrant-gimp and tried the Dark-Side-Of-Gimp and
something is very off.
See attached for an image of the preferences and how you can't read anything.


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