Nothing like a flame war. Though I must say that I love these
"topics" cause it lets a lot of info out about how people have
their different workflows, etc. I'm on a Mac and thus relegated to 2.6
but I've leanred an awful lot from reading all said posts.
I really love this list and the helpful nature and devotion.
If people weren't interested, they wouldn't write.
I'd love to get a GEGL list started in such a way.

On 5/4/12, Chris Mohler <> wrote:
> On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 7:40 PM, Daniel Smith <> wrote:
>> Can I ask if this decision to go to export vs. save, is it somewhat based
>> around needs of people running gimp without the interface, as a server
>> component?
> No - it has to do with these two items, specifically:
> For myself, export/overwrite still seems clumsy when working on
> simple, one-off edits.  OTOH, I no longer have to worry about
> accidentally flattening my 10-layer composition when saving a PNG and
> then forgetting to resave as XCF.  I'm thinking the long-term gain of
> not having to recreate hours of work is a big enough carrot that I can
> bear the stick of forced overwrite/export.  I'm still getting used to
> it though, and who knows - maybe export/overwrite can be refined a
> bit.
> Just my 0.02 to keep the flame war moving along nicely ;)
> Chris
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