I've been looking all over but there are just no CentOS (or RHEL for that 
matter) packages for the latest version of GiMP.  Compiling from source doesn't 
even seem to be a good option either as it looks as if it will break the whole 
OS the way things are set up.

This is no way to build an application!  Applications and OSes should never be 
tied so closely together.  

I like GiMP 2.8 for Windows a lot and would prefer to run it under CentOS as 
that is my main desktop OS.  I have given up on Fedora because of the unholy 
abomination GNOME has become.

What is a CentOS user to do?  We want a stable and consistent OS and user 
experience without having to reload/update everything after less than a year, 
and if I want to run a current version of Libre Office, there is no trouble.  I 
can do that.  If I want a current version of Firefox, I can do that.  But GiMP? 

Why would developers choose to shut us out like this?

erroneus (via gimpusers.com)
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