>The only file format we are pushing to become universal is called
>OpenRaster, and we are not doing it hard enough (fortunately, the
>MyPaint's team does).

Then why insisit on allowing users to save their files only in one single
proprietary format?

>I don't see the point in commenting on the rest of your email. There's
>not a single insult or a factual error there that I haven't already
>heard/commented on before.

What I said: 

>the whole thing serves to make the Gimp team look like a bunch of 
>arrogant t***s, with their narrow-minded insistence that they alone know 
>what "professional" users need and that the rest of us are somehow 
>stupid for not appreciating the amazing improvement this represents. 
>I'm sure they're all really nice and friendly people, but the defensive 
>attitude they display whenever this issue comes up makes me wonder 
>if there's perhaps some nagging doubts about whether it really was a good 

You're not helping disprove anything here...

VintageGimp (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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