I've downloaded your attached file, and it opens with no problems (quickly)
in Partha's 2.8.10 portable build (Win7 64bit).

Also, to strip all the metadata using exiftool:

exiftool -all= FILE.jpg

I suggest you test this first on a backup copy of your image (and mind the
blank space after the "=").

On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 12:56 PM, C210LUV <for...@gimpusers.com> wrote:

> >Before deleting your EXIF data, can you post an example image that can
> >be
> >tested by others?
> Sorry this took so long, was trying to figure a way to reduce the size of
> the
> image without being able to use GIMP, so I just did an arbitrary crop of
> one of
> the images in question. Attached is one image in a series taken to
> eventually be
> merged together, cropped for upload size and still unable to be opened
> using
> I downloaded a program called Exiftool  to try to remove Exif data, but the
> language is way over my head and I haven't even tried.
> Attachments:
> * http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/146/original/052.JPG
> --
> C210LUV (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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