> Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2014 14:47:57 -0500
> From: ptilopt...@gmail.com
> To: gimp-user-list@gnome.org
> Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] HATE the new save vs. export behavior
> * Richard <strata_ran...@hotmail.com> [11-03-14 13:27]:
> > 
 > There's only one "problem" with the current model:  I, for one, 
would love an option to suppress the unsaved changes prompt in the event
 that I'm working on a simple image file that is exported to a standard 
file format and has no XCF associated with it.  Such as when I'm 
downscaling digital photos for uploading to the Internet.
> BUT, you are using a tool which is not build nor intended for that
> audience, so you adjust or use a different tool.
> -- 

Workflow preferences aside, the tool in question nonetheless does a good job 
with what I'm trying to use it for, which saves me from having to go find 
another tool for the same job.

(Tangent: I have a [literal] swiss army knife and what's the function I use 
most from it?  The scissors.)

-- Stratadrake
Numbers may not lie, but neither do they tell the whole truth.

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