On 03/31/2016 12:44 PM, dlen wrote:
> FYI,
> i just installed gimp v 2.8.16 64bit on a Dell e6520, i5, 4G RAM, SSD and the
> startup time is invaryingly, that means always, 3 minutes 20 seconds.Of this 3
> minutes belong to querying plugins.

Lucky me:  I just clocked GIMP opening time at 45 seconds with:

GIMP 2.8.10, every plugin set in the Debian/Ubuntu repos and a /lot/
of brushes and fonts, on a system with a 64 bit AMD dual core CPU,
1.75 GB memory and the Mint 17 OS.

An option to save and reload the data that the GIMP rebuilds every
time it opens would be more helpful to some than others.  With
loading times up to 3 minutes 20 seconds, it could be called "make
or break."

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