On 25 Jul 2003 18:56:31 +0200
Jakub Steiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, 2003-07-25 at 18:14, Mogens Jæger wrote:
> > Hello
> > 
> > I just downloaded the new version, and I have managed to get all working.
> > But I have one - for me anyway - major complaint. In the 1.2 series of 
> > the Gimp, it was possible to change the shortcuts/keyboard assignments, 
> > so that the features you were using the most, has the easyest keys.
> > Or is there a way to change it - I mean in the 1.2 you just found the 
> > function in the menu, pressed your wanted hotkey, and it worked - simple 
> > and genius.
> > Why has that been changed.
> > 
> > Sincerely, and not to forget a great thank you for your efforts
> The dynamic shortcut assignment clashes with mnemonics. It is turned off
> by default. You can turn it on in the preferences (Interface>Keyboard
> shortcuts>Dynamic keyboard shortcuts). It's wise to turn it off once
> you're done so you don't reassign by mistake.

I can not follow you (Jakub, Sven and Dave) in this way.

Dinamyc shortcuts are useful to reassign defaults schortcuts but they are interresting
if you use them really dynamically, I mean assigned them immediatly at the moment you
need a shortcut. So I'll leave dynamic shortcuts enabled. 

You said that there is an interference with mnemonics but if you turn off the "save
shortcuts at the end of the session" it's not important because defaults will be
restored for the next session. ( And I don't think that many users really use 
The main use of mnemonics is probably when you use the tablet instead of the mouse )

Furthermore it seems that with gimp 1.3.17 it's no more possible to reassign 
the shortcuts to a mnemonics, I tried but it only gives me a BUZZ (wrong) bell. As I 
it was possible in Gimp 1.3.16 but I won't reinstall it to check.

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