Here's sort of what I was going for.

Actually, this wasn't so hard to do by hand (now that I've tried it). 
It's a little off from what I was after (I wanted all the blocks to be
perfect squares), but this more or less works.

A script-fu might pull this off well...  Some kind of gradually increasing
pixel effect from one direction to the other.  I'll work one up once I
have a moment... a moment to learn script-fu better that is.

Eric Pierce

> HI there.
> My "filter all layers" on GIMP 1.2.5 here has two action buttons at
> the bottom "apply constant" and "apply varying". You are describing
> the effects of Apply Constant. Wit apply varying it pops up the
> window of the desired filter (pixelate, in this case), perform it on
> the bottom layer and pops up a second time the filter window, perform
> it on the top layer, and finally displays a confirmation box, that,
> when accepted performs varying the parameter.
> I tested it before answering your e-mail, earlier ...works just fine.
> Regards,
>       JS
>       -><-
> On Thursday 13 November 2003 6:24 pm, Eric Pierce wrote:
>> JB,
>> Hmm...  that didn't seem to work.  Maybe I screwed something up.
>> Was that supposed to gradually pixelate each layer more than the
>> next?  I'm using Gimp-win (I'm at work).  Each layer was equally
>> pixelized the same amount.
>> Anyway, I'm not working on several layers.  Just one layer - a
>> photo of people.  I want it to gradually (from right to left) go
>> from no pixelation to slight pixelation, and then larger and larger
>> pixelation so there would be nice chunky squares on the left side.
>> Signed "Stumped"
>> > On Thursday 13 November 2003 1:04 pm, Eric Pierce wrote:
>> >> I'm trying to take a photo and have it gradually pixelate from
>> >> small boxes to big boxes.  Can't figure it out except for doing
>> >> it manually (ugh).
>> >>
>> >> Any ideas?  Thanks for reading!
>> >> Eric Pierce
>> >
>> > <image>->filter->filter all layers,
>> > apply varying , and the wizard does the rest. :-)
>> >
>> > I just am not certain if filter all layers is always there or
>> > needs GIMP-GAP to be installed.
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> >    JS
>> >    -><-

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