
Khiraly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I want to import some brushes from photoshop. What is the easiest way
> for to do this?
> (I have painted the brush with black color on the default white. I have
> saved as png format, open with gimp, and tried to save as .gbr. But when
> I load as a brush it does not work similary as in photoshop. That mean
> is it blurry, and with the pencil tool is it completly black)

Converting your brush images to grayscale and removing the alpha
channel before you save as .gbr would probably help.
> My opinion is, that the current set of brushes is not enough. And
> have certain brushes thats are funny, but unusable(apple for
> example).  So we need some really good brushes to include with the
> future gimp releases. If I see correctly the current set of brushes
> are not touched since gimp1.2 ....

Yes, more and better brushes are certainly needed. Help with this
effort would be very much appreciated. There are a few brush resources
available online that might be interesting to look at. Please note
that GIMP 2.0 also loads the brush files created for FilmGimp. See for


So perhaps you want to help us to improve the current set of brushes
and other data files for GIMP 2.2?

> Other question: As I see at the current list, the highest priority
> is the colorspace and the better support for professional use; with
> that Im accept perfectly.  But for lower priority it would be good
> to import such photoshops and coreldraws feature. I mean (if it
> possible) do some ,,reverse engineer'' on photoshop's tools. I dont
> mean really RE, but apply the wanted tool on a specific image(ex: a
> black square on a white background), and see whats the result. Is it
> possible to do this? I have a ps7, so I can help with using
> photoshop(I use in winE).
> Or is it a perfectly bad idea and gimp not need any new tool/feature?

GIMP can certainly need more tools and more features but it shouldn't
be needed to reverse engineer proprietary software for that. There's a
long list of enhancements that are completely understood and are only
waiting for talented hackers to implement them. We are really not
short on good ideas, we are short of time and developers to implement


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