On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 7:36 PM, Frank Gore <g...@projectpontiac.com> wrote:
> As I mentioned, all the commercial applications I've tried had no
> problems determining the appropriate color space for these files. It's
> only open source tools that are unable to, including Gimp.
> So is this a bug? Or is Pentax really that crazy with their file
> formats? They can't be that crazy if commercial applications have no
> trouble with the files.

Someone mentioned I should perhaps post examples of these files, and
that's a fine idea. Wish I'd thought of it sooner. These were taken at
seriously-reduced megapixels in the interest of file size. I figured
the file format was more important than the quality of the picture.

Here's one straight from my K-7, in Adobe RGB:

And here's another one in sRGB, taken immediately after the above:

Both can be downloaded in full by using the "Download" link

Frank Gore
Project Manager
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