>ok now heres the deal .. i do knw a tediously long and tiring way to fix this 
>but i was hoping there would be an easier way

>i have a background image around with i want to add an animated flaming text 
>and a video which i converted to frames already. I have about 70 frames that i 
>want to add, so i made a animated text that lasts 70 frames too... i just 
>thought it was the logical thing to do ... 

>now the way i know around it is to actually manually copy and paste each layer 
>of the xcf i got from saving the animated text onto the each layer in a new 
>xcf with the main background.. but for 70 odd frames that gonna be a pain. and 
>i was thinking it would probably work with the frames i got from the video as 

>so is there an easier way out .. im sure there is ... coz i opened the text 
>xcf using open as layers... but dont knw how to merge the whole thing.

>thanks in advance

One way perhaps but not Gimp.

You can combine pairs of images with Imagemagick. (does not have to be .png but 
does need to be a format that supports transparency)
For automating the process it makes sense to rename the sets of images.

Imagmagick is command line so in a console this command works

convert 10001.png 20001.png -compose dissolve -composite new01.png

The image in second place (20001.png) overlays the first image so second has to 
contain transparency.
I can't see anyway around this, you can use a different command to 'blend' but 
this alters colours. 
In your case maybe if the 'flames' have a central transparent area allowing the 
underlying 'text' to show.

If using windows, then you can automate with a batch file along the lines of: 

FOR /L %%G IN (1,1,n) DO convert "1000"%%G.gif "2000"%%G.gif -compose dissolve 
-composite new%%G.gif

where n is the no of frames.
Do yourself a favour here and make a project folder containing all the images 
and the <something>.bat. 
Change to that folder and run the batch file from there. Same applies using a 
single command. 

That gets you a set of combined frames, open "As Layers" in Gimp and save as a 
new animated .gif. 

This might get you started, plenty of 'ifs-and-buts' though.

rich (via gimpusers.com)
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