What is the difference?  does it have anything to do with copyright
protection?     Are there any specs for the difference?



> From: Dean Richard <
> Trish,
> Have you tried changing your digital I/O setting from Professional to
> Consumer, or vice-versa depending on your current setting? I found that
> this solved a lot of my digital I/O problems. 
> Dean
> On Sun, 8 Nov 1998, T. Bailey wrote:
> > > Well, yes. Nobody has posted anything. :) Don't feel bad, I wish the
> > > traffic was a little higher too, but I have little time to post
> > 
> > 
> > OK, Neal, I understand - thanks!
> > I guess that Gina is such a great card, whats to complain about!
> > 
> > However,I have a question for the list;
> > 
> > My GIna is working perfectly in the Analogue domain, both for record
> > play - no complaints and the quality is great!
> > 
> > However - when transferring to and from Dat in the digital domain, I am
> > experiencing pops and clicks in the audio - now the strangeness of this
> > problem is that the greater my .wav amplitude the greater and more
> > the clicks! On a silent passage it is perfect. This problem happens
> > all software platforms. ( I am using it in SAW Plus, CPA and Cool Edit)
> > 
> > Previous to installing Gina I was doing perfect digital transference
> > my Adb Multiwav card, no problems like this.
> > 
> > My system is optimised, in fact if it wasnt I am sure I'd be
> > this same problem on the analogue side as well, which I am not.
> > I have disabled the monitor on option on the Gina driver, makes no diff
- am
> > using it in  professional mode, have the same problem when using
> > Dat machines -
> > 
> > Anyone else experiencing this same problem?
> > 
> > Thanks
> > 
> > Trish
> > 

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