On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 3:31 PM, Mark (my words) <elib...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm new to git. I'm trying to develop a workflow for my creative writing.

FWIW, I use git for just about every document I produce (report,
paper, presentation).  Most of the text is in LaTeX, notes using
emacs's dot.org mode and sometime figures or pictures.  I have one
repo per "project" which is sometimes loosely defined.  I don't use
git submodules or similar but I do factor out some files to a "common"
project (eg logos that get reused in many presentations).

Even if I'm the only author it is useful to commit at points like
"first draft", "draft for initial comments", "comments from Fred
addressed", "final draft", "final final draft" and "final final final
dammit I mean it this time draft", etc.

When I collaborate on a document I find it essential to put it in git
(or other VC).  Even if the other user doesn't use git (or other VC)
it is helpful to track the contributions they feed you and avoid
inadvertently stomping on text that they have modified.

I agree with the others that auto-commits would give more problems
than help as you wouldn't know which commit was meaningful.  I guess
you could label all auto commits with an empty message and then look
for manual commits with a more meaningful comment (or with an explicit
tag) but it's kind of a stretch.

For your poems, if they tend to be short, I'd probably come up with
some kind of collection rule and put each one in its own repo (eg. all
cute bunny poems separate from all self-critical introspections).

Oh, and one thing to be mindful of is text lines, particularly if you
are using an unformatted source (like LaTeX, HTML, etc).  Git wants to
compare based on lines so make them as short and atomic as possible.
Do try to use line breaks and not long monolithic lines as it makes
comparing differences that much easier.  This matters a lot when you
need to merge two versions (eg two branches or incorporating stuff
being fed by had from collaborators).


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