On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 11:09 AM, David Lang <da...@lang.hm> wrote:
> On Thu, 6 Jun 2013, Felipe Contreras wrote:
>> In the end my point remains unchanged; Perl is declining, so it would
>> be wise for the future to use another scripting language instead.
> Perl use may or may not be declining (depending on how you measure it), but
> are you really willing to take on the task of re-writing everything that's
> in Perl into another language and force all developers of scripts to learn
> that other language?

But that's exactly what we are asking the newer generations of
developers; to learn another language. Fewer and fewer new
contributors will come with knowledge of Perl.

> What are the odds that the 'newer' language that you pick is going to pull a
> "python 3" on you?

Ruby 2 speaks volumes on that front.

> There have been a very large number of scripting languages show up, make a
> lot of press, and then fade in favor of other languages while Perl has
> continued. It's not the sexy languange nowdays, but it's there, reliable,
> and used so heavily that there's really no chance of it dissapearing in the
> forseable future.

Yet it's declining, more and more every year. And the more the time
goes by, the more we hurt ourselves.

Felipe Contreras
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