On 10/29/07, Bill McGonigle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I see St. Mary's bank has branches in the Manchester-Nashua
> corridor only.

  You don't need to tell me!  :-)  (I live in Dover.)

> I don't know that there can be a small bank with
> locations all over the state - a bit of an oxymoron...

  Yah.  That.


  They don't have much near Nashua, though.  That matters only because
the bulk of the people who actually show up to our org meetings live
in that area, but that does count for something.  Money talks, BS
walks.  But SFCU is real close to me, so I like it.  :)  Since they're
close by, I'll get some details from them.  Can't hurt to have other
options at the upcoming meeting.

> ... usually banks show their colors when there is a problem.

  Exactly.  That's where I'm coming from on BoA; I've had almost no
exposure to their customer service attitude.  What little I've had
hasn't made me leap up and down with joy, if you know what I mean.

> And BoA is famous for acquiring banks and laying off ...

  That's the "big banks suck more" part I mentioned.  It does seem
like a bank's size appears to be roughly proportional to its evilness.
 We gotta decide where on the convenience vs conscience scale we want
to land.

-- Ben
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