On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 12:30 PM, Jason D. Clinton <m...@jasonclinton.com> 
> Initial reaction is that you've reintroduced a screen element that is
> analogous to the old workspace switcher applet in the GNOME 2 panel: it can
> be hit by a user who has no idea what a workspace is and who suddenly finds
> their window missing without any idea how to get it back.

Ok, but currently with there being a minimize button with no taskbar,
we are already in a situation where users can hit a button and not
know how to get their window back. I'm simply proposing we adapt the
concept of the 'minimize' button to work with workspaces.

Either way, the user has to go to the activities menu to find their
window again, but with my suggestion there's now a designated area for
hidden windows, and the UI for it is completely consistent with the
existing workspaces, because it is just another workspace ;-)

> But maybe with the right level of animation it could be made clear. Not
> sure.

Well, it could animate into the upper left corner, where the
'Activities' button is. Then users will go there looking for it and
they will find the workspaces.

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