Hadron wrote:

> Alan Mackenzie <a...@muc.de> writes:
>> In gnu.misc.discuss Hadron <hadronqu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Didn't Alan boldly claim that the GPL was "easy to understand"?
>> Yes.  The GPL is very easy to understand.  It's USA copyright law which
>> is hard.
>> The only people who find the GPL hard are those who seek a legal means
>> of violating it.
> And just about everyone that ever uses it, reads it or discusses it. I
> find it amazing that you keep insisting it is so easy and yet we see you
> embroiled in nitpicking over meaning time and time again. You're either
> very thick skinned or in denial.

"Nitpicking" are the cretins like Rjack or Alex T
They are either too thick to understand simple concepts, or they don't 
want to "understand" to keep on trolling

The GPL *is* simple to understand. That *you* are unable to is not 
surprising. You would not understand the simplest of things
A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely
rearranging their prejudices.                -- William James

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