On Thu, Feb 06, 2020 at 10:51:24AM +0100, Ludovic Court??s wrote:
> Hi John,
> John Darrington <j...@gnu.org> skribis:
> > After all, the reason that these proposed "social contracts", "codes of 
> > conduct"
> > and their ilk have caused so many people to become very angry, is because 
> > of 
> > the way that they call for persons to be expelled if they disagree with 
> > whoever
> > is in control.
> Just a note: we called for the discussion of a GNU Social Contract, not
> for that of a code of conduct.  It seems entirely responsible from
> people running the wiki to ensure that the wiki is not used to harass
> others, and the code of conduct is a way to state these rules upfront;
> but again, that really applies to work on the wiki space.
> The draft of the Social Contract at
> <https://wiki.gnu.tools/gnu:social-contract> does not mention how people
> should be ???expelled??? if they ???disagree???.  On the contrary: it???s 
> about
> building a shared understanding of what some (hopefully most!) of us
> commit to as members of the Project.
> We tried to make it clear in the email sent out to maintainers:
>   https://wiki.gnu.tools/git/gnu-tools-wiki/tree/code/sc-email.txt
> > I think that banning such people would make us guilty of the same crimes 
> > that
> > they have committed.
> Please do not misrepresent this initiative.  It???s about making GNU
> stronger; you may disagree with the approach, but that doesn???t make it a
> ???crime??? in any sense of the word.

This is not an initiative.  It is an attempt to bully the GNU leadership
to hand the organization to you.

> I would like us to move forward: what do you think GNU will lose or gain
> as a project if its members endorse a document stating its core values?
> What would you add or remove to the values currently listed in the
> draft?  What other initiatives would you propose to improve cohesion?
> The February 9th deadline that we set for an initial version of the
> Social Contract is approaching, and I think it???s a good time to focus on
> the core discussion of what GNU is to us and what our commitments are.
> Thank you,
> Ludo???.

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