Am Mittwoch, 27. April 2011 13:32:47 UTC+2 schrieb ernesto.reig:
> But Thomas, there´s something I don´t understand, when you say "Activities 
> however are in no way related to MVP". Activities are the Presenters in the 
> MVP pattern, I mean, they own the views and there happens the logic 
> decoupling. The views talk/notify the Activities when some user action that 
> needs logic happens. Activities are responsible to talk to the server, send 
> and retrieve data, goto() other Place´s, and therefore keeping the views 
> "dumb". So, when you say that Activities are not related to MVP I can only 
> think that I´m missing something...
> Could you please shed a bit of light on this? :)
I am not Thomas but an activity is only responsible to put the correct 
widget into a display area you have previously defined. There is no need 
that an activity controls that widget. An activity can also have an instance 
variable holding a presenter and then get the presenters view and add that 
to the display area. So an Activity can be a Presenter.. but it do not have 
to. In my understanding an activity is more abstract than a presenter. Its 
something that starts when you visit a place and that is responsible to fill 
a display area on your website, but its not responsible for handling user UI 
events (but it could if you want to). Thats why GWT MVP is somehow a 
misleading term.

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