#297: collect breast cancer data from GPC sites for linking with surveys, multi-
signal analysis
 Reporter:  dconnolly    |       Owner:  gkowalski
     Type:  task         |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major        |   Milestone:  cohort-char-bc-db
Component:  data-        |  Resolution:
  sharing                |  Blocked By:  329, 330, 358, 382, 452, 467, 468,
 Keywords:               |  470, 480, 482, 513
 Blocking:  214, 298     |

Comment (by dconnolly):

 Don't sweat 0230 Age at Diagnosis:
 > In the March 8 call (#12) Brad agreed that given the complications
 around getting this element and the fact that it can be computed from
 other sources, it's OK to drop it from the query.
   -- #355 closed wontfix

 Sorry for not pruning it from the query.

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