Zuzana Kraemerova wrote:
> I know very little about it either, that's why I'm asking here. Amazon.uk has 
> some copies: 
> http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_ss_w_h_/202-2517721-5491063?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=clothes+of+the+common&x=0&y=0

I'd never heard of them myself, but they do appear to have some volumes in my 
own periods of interest, so I'd be curious.

They appear to be printed by a living history organization. Here's the website:


The "About Us" section is very instructive. I bet these people and their books 
would be well known among the UK re-enactors and so it might be worth asking 
about this at the UK living history web forum, 

For the books, look under "publications" on the Stuart site and follow the 
"Clothing" links by date range. The one name I recognize under the authors is 
Sarah Thursfield, who is also a living history costumer and of course has her 
own book on making medieval clothing. Most of the books, however, seem to be 
written by Robert Morris and Jane Hugget (or Huggett, they are inconsistent in 
spelling her name).

The prices here vary slightly from Amazon so it would be worth careful 
comparisons and consideration of shipping if you're going to buy. At least 
they give a line of description for each and a page count (some are obviously 

Of interest is the note at the bottom: "Historical Management Associates Ltd. 
makes a range of historically-correct fabrics such as frieze, kersey, russet, 
cotton and say."

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