> Date: Sat, 06 Aug 2011 12:37:22 -0700
> From: Lavolta Press <f...@lavoltapress.com>
> To: Historical Costume <h-cost...@indra.com>
> Subject: [h-cost] Where is everyone hanging out these days?
> Message-ID: <4e3d97f2.6060...@lavoltapress.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> For well over a year, I've been noticing a relative scarcity of posts on
> pretty much every costume-related mailing list and bulletin board of
> which I am a member (several dozen).  Many of these groups, including
> h-costume, were formerly very active. The general, noncostume sewing
> groups are an exception--they seem to be as active as ever.
> I don't really consider Facebook a substitute because their message
> limits and format don't cater to either long messages or complicated
> interchanges.

Facebook and the like are other communication tools and I do use them,
but they are just that - tools, and no one is a replacement for the
others. (Tangential - do feel free to look for me on Facebook and
Google+ - as far as I know there are no costume communities on G+ yet
but I'd love to be proven wrong!).
> Is costuming going out of style, as it were?  Is reenactment less
> popular? Are people traveling less to events because of the recession,
> therefore making fewer outfits for attending events, therefore not
> discussing those projects?  Is everyone hanging out on new lists I've
> never heard of?  Where ARE all the costumers hanging out, if not on
> h-costume?

I don't think costuming is going out of style - far from it. Younger
people tend not to do historic costuming, but there does seem to be a
huge interest in sci-fi/anime character costuming (cosplay) and
events/mailing lists/other internet to match. Could be we're just not
seeing them here.

For my own self, I still read H-costume regularly but haven't posted
lately because I am not costuming as much as I used to. My other hobby
is competitive fencing and it eats a lot of my time both for making
things and going to events. I AM going to try and make Dress U in
Philly next June provided it doesn't conflict with major competitions.

There's also the factor that when I do sew I'm usually trying to
complete an outfit (several pieces) instead of experimenting, so I
suspect that part of the reason I've gone silent is sticking to tried
and true = fewer questions (which also means I'm not challenging
myself enough, but that's another post :P)
> Fran
> Lavolta Press
> Books on making historic clothing
> www.lavoltapress.com
> www.facebook.com/LavoltaPress

Allison T.

h-costume mailing list

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