Very cool, Josh. Suggest you look at The as well as Friendster to
get a sense how things might work. Also check out that Ryze user agreement
and perhaps others - we need to have a user agreement in place for Deanster
and other interactive environments (I have a good model that's simpler than
Ryze's that we cd use).

Re. identity, exposure shd be in the hands of the participant, who shd have
an easy way to select what details others can see, or (as at Ryze) to expose
details to selected other members.

> This is fantastic. Thanks Josh! I believe that if we get this up and
> running, over 500,000 people will use it. I do -- over 1,000,000 on
> friendster, and they aren't trying to change the world :)
> The single biggest request we get from folks in the field is "how do I
> find other Dean supporters." This provides that means. It's a top
> priority for the campaign, and if we can provide other resources to
> help make it happen, ask me and I'll do everything I can do provide
> them.
> The one thing that I would change in Josh's model is just that we are
> not thinking of this as a place for public expression ("why I support
> Dean") not because we don't want that expression, but because
> (1) there are other venues for it, and
> (2) it drastically (or almost completely) eviscerates the
> moderation/management needs if we don't provide that space--if there
> is no "enter your own content here" but all pick and choose and links
> to forum, we don't need to vet who enters at ALL which is ideal (this
> is the big diff between us and friendster -- we don't have staff who
> can routinely check every new person and we don't have people who
> want to kill the campaign by posting obscene or harassing posts
> (that's the big concern, not dissent).
> I'm thinking that we'll just modify our extensive registration to
> include all these elements (we're modifying anyway), and then feed the
> Data to deanster. The tricks then, are
> (1) how to display the information
> (2) how to search
> Right? The critical thing for the search is that people who are
> currently online show up first, but if we start with a really clumsy
> search (almost like an excel spreadsheet) we could at least get going.
> We're a shoot first improve later campaign, in many ways, but esp. for
> this one -- the basic functionality will be heaven for people.
> It seems if we can do that and roll it out, we can then add other
> features like uploading contacts and rating -- but I'm not the
> programming guru.
> What do you all think?
> Zephyr Teachout
> Internet Organizing & Outreach
> Dean for America
> Meetup at
> Get local at
> Contribute at
> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of Joshua Koenig
> Sent: Saturday, July 26, 2003 5:57 PM
> Subject: [hackers] Draft Deanster Design Doc
> Here's a draft of my design doc for Deanster (a.k.a. the talend
> database, the visible volunteers, the "front room"). Please excuse the
> parts that aren't quite filled in yet and feel free to correct me
> where I'm wrong:
> peace
> -josh
> ------------------------
> Politics is the art of controlling your environment. Participate!
> Elect Howard Dean President in 2004!

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