I came to few lectures before, I then drafted.
Just to let you know, it's not you, it's me.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Eli Billauer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Haifa Linux Club Mailing list" <haifux@haifux.org>
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 2:53 PM
Subject: [Haifux] Honey, I shrunk the club

Hello all,

I think it's time to talk about this: The number of participants in Haifux lectures seems to be shrinking lately. It was notable in particular in Orr's and Guy's recent lectures, which both covered highly technical issues, which have plenty of implications even if you don't deal directly with the subjects involved.

I remember far more participants in much more esoteric issues.

There has been suggestions that slides shouldn't be published on the site, because people read the slides instead of coming (!!?). Personally, I behave in the opposite way (no slides, won't come), but I believe this issue is worth a discussion.

And of course, I would suggest to discuss the reasons of what appears to be a decline of the great Haifux empire. Standing at 142 lectures (w2l and SiL not included) could it be that we've already covered it all? Are we getting settled down, old and rusty? Are we missing the fun of being underground?

Your opinions are mostly welcome. And if possible, please talk about why *you* don't show up. I believe it's more interesting than general theories about what happens.

Hag Sameah,

Web: http://www.billauer.co.il

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