Please do NOT flame.
not flame, just some technicalities

A few suggestions to haifux site:

1) In order to increase haifux involvement and keep in touch
with visitors and allow members to know lecturers more:

Allow (not mandatory) haifux visitors to register (Register button
big on top of main page) in the registration can include:
Name, handle, Picture, email, ALL(IMs),register to mailing list
phone, comment on self, interests, RSA key.
Links to past lectures given, list of lectures attended (self editing),
link to home page, link to blog page, links to favorite linux/FOSS sites.
Perhaps, rudimentary blog.
any lecturer can give a link/mail to his web page. If (s)he wishes to identify with these - they can do so today.

2) Provide (little hype here) web 2.0 services:

Inside allow to create presentations using WiKi methods
with permission to edit from lecturer (or not).
Or provide a trust ring, lecutrer know/vouch editor so its ok to edit.

Provide a request page, requesting to lecture on a ready lecture.
(good for when there are no lecturers available)
Then another host will be needed.

Besides, only in common knowledge it is possible to have two haifux members who have good understanding of the subject that can change each other slides. I don't think this is necessary for most of the lectyre.

3) list of proposed lectures and member voting on prefered lectures.

Available ready lectures will be lectured first when no date was set.
Also, members can assign lectures to preffered date slots so a maximal
number of members will be able to attend a desired lecture.
That's what we do offline, taking into consideration the times the lecturers can come.

5) Main contacts/emails on main page to outside non-members who wish
to promote/lecture/sponsor.
both get a lot of spam, and read by at least two people.

6) Move clutter like logos etc... to the bottom and put registration,
main contacts, arrival, etc.. on top.
Interesting idea.

7) Provide main page pictures on meeting place and people having fun :)
Interesting idea.

Increase sense of casual, fun,
non technion-students-only-will-understand atmosphere.
Ideas are welcome.

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