
Sorry I'm late on this discussion, following this thread :

We are using appsession with HAproxy 1.5 like this :

backend http
    appsession JSESSIONID len 24 timeout 1h request-learn

We would like to be able to do the same thing with HAproxy 1.6.
If it is possible, we'd like to catch the JSESSIONID in cookies and URL parameters, either in the request or in the response.

I tried to use the info posted previously by Aleksandar, but I encountered several problems :

- using "stick on" in frontend section fails with :
> 'stick' ignored because frontend 'web' has no backend capability.

- using "stick store-response urlp(JSESSIONID,;)" in backend section fails with : > 'stick': fetch method 'urlp' extracts information from 'HTTP request headers', none of which is available for 'store-response'.

So, I've got this so far :

backend http

  stick-table type string len 24 size 10m expire 1h peers prod

  stick on urlp(JSESSIONID,;)
  stick on cookie(JSESSIONID)

Does this seem right ?
The help for "stick on" tells it defines a request pattern, so I guess this would not match JSESSIONID cookie ou url parameter set in the reply ?


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