On 16/10/2017 11:27 πμ, Willy Tarreau wrote:
> Hi Pavlos!
> On Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 10:46:44AM +0200, Pavlos Parissis wrote:
>>> Now after several failed attempts and with a lot of design sessions
>>> with my coworkers, I've made a good progress on a totally different
>>> approach which will later allow us to implement HTTP/2 on both sides,
>>> as well as implement support for QUIC. I have not merged anything yet
>>> because as I'm picking code from the first implementation, 
>> HTTP/2 on client and servers side, and at the same time QUIC support!!
>> 1.8 version will be very hot release, thanks a lot for your hard work.
> Wait wait wait... I never said that! I'm speaking about *design*. Look,
> "will later allow us". For 1.8, client-side only is expected. I don't know
> how long it will take to support server-side, as there are some painful
> shortcomings related to maintaining the server connections alive and being
> able to share them (and my beloved coworkers working on threads will hate
> me when they'll see that they'll have to deal with connections floating
> between multiple threads due to the full mesh you can have between client
> streams and servers streams).

I guess following step-by-step approach, 1st client side, it makes sense as it 
the size of breakage:-)

On a serious note, having support for QUIC is a huge advantage over other LB 
Having said, we don't really know if QUIC will be used as it requires changes 
on several places,
Firewalls, bot/robot detection... It is interesting that Google decided to 
switch protocol, from TCP
to UDP, as they decided to not use SCTP for HTTP2 as it required changes on 
Firewall and etc.


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