> And since you asked, off the top of my head...
[ a long list snipped]

Now, tell us how you *really* feel about C?

In case you didn't guess it yet, I was playing advocatus diaboli in
reverse here.  (In modernese: trolling.)  In other words, your list
and argument was good, though many items were kind of like the same

But: calling them "design mistakes" is like saying quills don't work
well on flatscreen displays.  If you are really good, you can foresee
five years ahead, and design accordingly.  30 years?  No way.  The one
making a design mistake would be the one repeating C's design
deficiencies at this day and age, as you pointed out.

There is this special biologist word we use for 'stable'. It is
'dead'. -- Jack Cohen

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