i test many things. First thanks to being here...

On the irc channel i think you give me a solution by talking about udev 
For me i can not install hdmi2usb-mode-switch

> sudo apt install hdmi2usb-mode-switch
>>> it give an error of dependencies:
>>> Les paquets suivants contiennent des dépendances non satisfaites :
>>>  hdmi2usb-mode-switch : Dépend: ixo-usb-jtag (>= 0.0.1) mais il n'est 
>>> pas installable
>>> E: Impossible de corriger les problèmes, des paquets défectueux sont en 
>>> mode « garder en l'état ».
>> So i find the rules there 
> :https://github.com/litex-hub/litex-buildenv-udev
and i build it from the script.
Now it seem to work.

In guvcview, i can catch something but it's unstable.
I want to use OBS https://obsproject.com/ but no picture, obs list the 
opsis but nothing happen...
I succeed to get to cam working and possibilties to switch cams  on 2 
differents screens.
Unfortunatly only working in PAL mde mode 13. 
If i want a conference style one cam and one cam everythings need to be in 
video_mode pal, even if i set a secondary mode in 1280x720 50hz or 60hz.
If i got a good size from my computer screen, the cam is glitchy.

So i continue experiments.

Le mardi 26 mai 2020 14:13:31 UTC+2, David LeP0le a écrit :
> Hello,
> i was some kind of early adopter of the numato opsis.
> I get it on crowdsupply. I let it in my studio for year and i try to re 
> use it now since 3 days, concentrate on it.
> What i feel is like it's a quickly difficult card to work with.
> It's not easy to find the good information to use it really.
> Best place is unfortunenately not the website of the project.
> i mean : https://hdmi2usb.tv/
> There it's a place to learn that the card can do a lot but no way to learn 
> other things except flashing thing.
> In that case it's possible to have a way to something.
> It's quite amazing.
> I need to search something really hidden and i find some help there:
> https://debconf-video-team.pages.debian.net/docs/opsis.html
> but it's quite difficult to figure out how to simply use the card and the 
> switch...
> So The displayport are simply optionals. 
> So it's trickky to understand because there is 5 years since the opsis is 
> out...
> It's not easy to drive a opensource project like that...Ok
> BUT it's impossible to let the final-user only in a programming zone, with 
> no other perspectives.
> i think there is a problem.
> So i don't want to be rude, i'd just want something to work.
> Maybe it's possible to get exemple of setup and a firmware adapt for 
> different setup...with differerent repo in function of uses and projects
> It's communication and education.
> I'm just trying to use the opsis and i'm just a professionnal of making 
> picture for shows and film, so i'm some kind of final user.
> That's why i expect efficency, and clear way to work with.
> It mean : plug that, plug this, use that raspberry or laptop with that 
> setting, and a minima tricks to work with all the port i mean ethernet so 
> old tech, and displayport... 
> And after what soft to tallk with the card with all the links and howto 
> get something stable. clear repo for ubuntu, or debian, it's not easy like 
> it is now.
> A tuto for starting something from scratch... at the bottom level to more 
> complicated examples.
> Really i want to help at my level. 
> So  i use the hdmi ports i understant how to start the inputs and outputs
> I understand how to play with the matrix (these commands need to be on a 
> page of https://hdmi2usb.tv/ and how to get there, install and so on)
> The problems i got:
> when i plugs cameras i need to set the videomode to PAL or NTSC so 12 or 
> 13 720X576 give the best results, i can get 2 cam working in that mode
> BUT no screen sync, if i plug my computer it detects the opsis 1280x720 
> but orange screen on my display, x c 0 0 or other changes give nothing else.
> Secondary mde change nothing... And the encoder status announce 0fps and 0 
> quality... 
> You understand it's quite impossible to use it for a show... 
> Which solution can we build to give a chance to this opsis...
> Thanks
> Regards

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