Cool thanks, btw hey dogmeat it's me DuckSauce but you may know already lol.
I haven't tested it out with multiple players, but here's the code I'm 
using for the hitsounds in OnTakeDamage:
    CRecipientFilter filter;
    // needed to cast since GetAttacker returns the attacker as 
CBaseEntity, recipient has to take CBasePlayer)
    filter.AddRecipient( ( CBasePlayer* )inputInfo.GetAttacker() );

    // send the sound to attacker if the player taking damage is not the 
attacker(so it doesn't play when someone
    // hurts himself
    if ( !inputInfo.GetAttacker() && inputInfo.GetDamage() > 0 )
        //send announcement to play
        UserMessageBegin( filter, "SendAudio" );
        WRITE_STRING( "HitSound.Blip"  );

Also now using it for my announcements like this in CHL2MPRules::Think( 
void ):
    float    flStartSuddenDeathSound = 36.0;

    if ( GetRoundRemainingTime() > flStartSuddenDeathSound )
        bPreSuddenDeath = false;
    else if ( GetRoundRemainingTime() <= flStartSuddenDeathSound && 
bAlreadyStarted1 != true )
        bAlreadyStarted1 = true;
        bPreSuddenDeath = true;

        CBroadcastRecipientFilter filter;
        // do I need to add all players in a broadcastrecipientfilter??

        //send announcement to play
        UserMessageBegin( filter, "SendAudio" );
        WRITE_STRING( "MelonDeathMode.Activated"  );

Richard Slaughter wrote:
> To play announcement messages to players I've made use of the SendAudio 
> HUD message, although there are a few tweaks needed to enable it:
> In hud.cpp find
> #ifdef CSTRIKE_DLL
> #endif
> and comment out the #ifdef and #endif, do the same for
> #ifdef CSTRIKE_DLL
>     HOOK_HUD_MESSAGE( gHUD, SendAudio );
> #endif
> In hl2_usermessages.cpp register a new message:
> usermessages->Register( "SendAudio", -1 );
> Once that's done you should be able to call it with something like this:
> CRecipientFilter filter;
> filter.AddAllPlayers();
> filter.MakeReliable();
> //send announcement to play
> UserMessageBegin( filter, "SendAudio" );
> WRITE_STRING( "Your.Sound"  );
> MessageEnd();
> Then you just need to make sure you have your sound setup in 
> scripts\game_sounds.txt
> You can also use CBroadcastRecipientFilter to send to all players or 
> filter.AddRecipientsByTeam() to add a specific team.
> This was on the Orange Box SDK, but I'm fairly sure that EP1 SDK is 
> similar. No idea if it's suitable for what you want to use it for, might 
> be better to look at doing it on the client as it's a regular occurence, 
> and should be predictable anyway.
> - Rich
> Jorge Rodriguez wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 12:00 PM, Yorg Kuijs <> wrote:
>>> 1. Does anybody know if it's possible to have a sound be emitted that
>>> only the player it was meant for can hear? As far as I know all sounds
>>> are emitted into the world. I might be making a hitbleep system similar
>>> to quake, wet, et:qw and dystopia, roughly I think it would look like
>>> this in the ontakedamage class:
>>> pAttacker->PlayAttackerHearableSoundOnly( "soundname" );
>>> or
>>> pInflictor->PlayInflictorHearableSoundOnly( "soundname" );
>>> well the function is bogus ofcourse since it doesn't exist. So does
>>> anybody know?
>> You can emit the sound on the client, or you can call the sound with a
>> single recipient filter instead of a pas filter.

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