Hey list,

got a few questions:

1. Does anybody know if it's possible to have a sound be emitted that 
only the player it was meant for can hear? As far as I know all sounds 
are emitted into the world. I might be making a hitbleep system similar 
to quake, wet, et:qw and dystopia, roughly I think it would look like 
this in the ontakedamage class:
pAttacker->PlayAttackerHearableSoundOnly( "soundname" );
pInflictor->PlayInflictorHearableSoundOnly( "soundname" );

well the function is bogus ofcourse since it doesn't exist. So does 
anybody know?

2. I want different grenades to have different explosion "sprites" 
however it doesn't seem to be working, I have altered some things so 
explosion info sends along a flag for the grenade that's having the 
explosion and then used that in the following if else structure:
    if ( m_Material_FireCloud == NULL )
        if ( private_fo_explFlags == FO_EXPL_SAILBOAT )
            m_Material_FireCloud = pSimple->GetPMaterial( 
"effects/boat_expl" );
        else if ( private_fo_explFlags == FO_EXPL_STOPWATCH )
            m_Material_FireCloud = pSimple->GetPMaterial( 
"effects/stopwatch_expl" );
            m_Material_FireCloud = pSimple->GetPMaterial( 
"effects/fire_cloud2" );

doesn't seem to be working, for another grenade I also done this by 
copying the entire class for explosion effects(very bad I know!)
That worked but this doesn't seem to work, so there must be something 
else determining what the explosion looks like?
and if things get more complex then this I may be better off making some 
derived classes for each grenade, but again I would need to know how to 
specify the different explosion "sprite"

3. I've tried for about a week to freeze viewmodel animations, I decided 
to abandon it, in a brainstorming session with my lead tester and public 
relations "manager" there were 2 things I would consider good to go for.
The 1st would be too somehow prevent the client from receiving ANY 
updates, although I'm not sure if this is possible and if client side 
physics will still be received(ragdolls?).

Assuming that this can be done I would picture it as a kind of 
gamefreeze happening, then when the freezetime is over the player's 
world gets updated again as if he skipped out of time a few 
seconds.(which is what my grenade kinda does :P)

If not I'll probably be going for a heavy viewshake like a kind of 
sideeffect of the "timefreeze" grenade and you're weapon being 
lowered/holstered until the "timefreeze" is over.
Third option which I kinda don't think is possible without a huge 
degrade in quality would be too block the players view completely with a 
huge picture, but like I said I think it might not look very good so I 
don't know of a efficient way to overlay a big picture on top of the 
players screen+hud.

Welll that was it :)
Any help would be appreciated

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